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Beulah Valleys Investments

Investing in farming has never been this easy. Through our meticulous process we serve different types of investors and create the best value from strategic use of land. 


Whether you have money and no time, land but no money, money but no land, money and time but no expertise, whatever the case. Beulah Valleys will serve your need to ensure you grow your investment wisely and sustainably through farming. 



"Africa’s future billionaires and millionaires will make their money from agriculture"

Akinwumi Adesina, Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

Join the band wagon of future wealth


We know people are always trying to grow their money. We offer the opportunity for individuals to invest their money into direct farming and get a return on their money. Returns ranges between 25% to 35% in 6 months.  


Our part is to manage the farming to selling operation. We ensure quality produce and safety of the investment. We get the land, prepare it and do all the dirty work. The investor has full access to see where their money has gone. 


Minimum investment  -  490,000 Ksh


ROI     -     25% (1 Acre),  35% ( > 3 Acres)      



So you have passion but no time to invest into farming? In this package, we offer our farm management, expertise and market mitigation. This is for those with capital, land and passion to invest into farming the right way. Do away with disappointments of the farm keeper selling off your produce or stories of thievery. Let us handle your farm well from A to Z and reap the benefits of excellent work done on your land. 


Minimum Investment   -  5 Acres


ROI  -  70% on profit.  



Many people think money better be made off land by selling it. There is a better way! If you have vacant land (min 1 acre), that you are not utilizing, we partner with you and create maximum value on short and medium-term crops on the land. We bring in the investment and give the land owner a percentage of the profits. 


ROI  -  20% on profits


E.g. Onions gross 1,100,000 Ksh/Acre.

       Profit  -  600,000 Ksh

       Money to Land owner - 120,000 Ksh (6 months)


The beautiful thing is the land owner keeps their land and makes money off it better than leasing or leaving it vacant. A perfect balance as we do all the work and bear all risk.  



You have land, thats bare and doing nothing and want to invest in trees. We are your plug. We can assist you grow a forest or orchard that will reap carbon credits for you passively. 


We grow the trees and monitor them carefully to ensure their survival. We then enlist the trees for carbon credits (money you get for offsetting carbon emissions). So why not use your land to grow indigenous trees and earn money passively. 


Minimum investment  -  1/4 Acre. 

Spring Onions
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